The view from our balcony
Anna after dinner one night at the Back Porch Restaurant (I highly recommend it)
Sam, Carly, and Ainsley at the pool
My very own Zhu-Zhu Pet
We are still in Florida and having a blast. This has been a great trip for so many reasons but mostly because I have gotten to spend time with my family. Carly has had a blast with her cousins. She had big plans to go on the zip line at the wharf tonight but once she got up to the platform to jump off she totally freaked out. She came down crying because she thought we would be disappointed in her. We calmed the tears by letting her become a human Zhu-Zhu pet in this thing called a human hamster wheel. Anna had a seizure the morning we left to com here but has not had another one since then. She was really fussy the first two days and then started running fever today. I wonder if the day will ever come that we take a trip and she doesn't get sick. She has not really enjoyed swimming either because she gets cold so easily. I really think if we come back next year we are going to have to get her a wet suit. I am beginning to think this may be the only way she will ever really be able to enjoy the water since she has no body fat. Poor kid. She is still eating like crazy though and we are still very pleased with that. I have some huge news but I am going to keep it a secret until I get home. Is the suspense killing you?