I don't even know how to begin to tell you how emotional yesterday made me. I took Anna for her physical therapy evaluation. I'll get to that part later. While we were there Anna fell in love with a Tricycle they had there. It is called an Amtryke. They are bikes for special needs kids. They cost anywhere from $350-800. There is just no way we could afford it. It would help Anna so much though. It makes both sides of the brain really work together. The sweet PT has donated one to Anna and it will be under the tree from Santa on Christmas morning. I cannot tell you what this means to us. It is so hard to not be able to afford all of the things that might help my child overcome her special needs. We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our path and in our lives. I want to update on Anna's PT evaluation and her new AFOs but I will not take away from the awesomeness of this post so that update will come later.
That is so awesome.