I woke up Friday just feeling a little off. My blood pressure was running high (160/90) which was concerning but I had an OB appointment so I didn't get too excited. I went to start my car to go to my appointment and it wouldn't start. Nice! So I ended up driving Kenneth's truck. It is no easy task to drive or rather to park his truck. I have a Nissan Altima and it is easy to drive and park. He has a 3/4 ton crew cab diesel truck so you can imagine the size of that beast. Driving it isn't really too bad but parking it is a whole other story. I had to park in BFE because the spaces at the Dr's office are straight and no matter how hard I tried I could not park the beast between the two lines. I got into the office and although my appointment was at 1:05 the waiting room was already packed. And it was hot in there! After sitting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes, the power went off. And stayed off. For about 30 minutes. By the time it finally came back on my OB got called away to an emergency surgery and they ended up cancelling the rest of his afternoon clinic. The nurse did b/p, urine, weight, and heart tone checks prior to rescheduling the patients though. My weight was only up 1 pound, my urine was negative, but my b/p was 179/102. Nice! Gabe's heart was also doing the funky rhythm again. The nurse called and spoke with my Dr. who told me to go straight home and lay on my left side for the rest of the weekend and I have an appointment at 6:30am tomorrow (Monday) morning. My blood pressure has been all over the place again this weekend. I do not have a good feeling about my appointment tomorrow. I will be 32 weeks tomorrow which was our goal though so that makes me happy. I have a feeling we may be close to the end of the road...