Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random Ramblings

I should really consider going to bed soon but this peace and quiet is too good to pass up. Much has happened since my last post (not in order of importance might I add):
  • Our beloved Max (the border collie) has disappeared with his girlfriend and so there is not even a dog howling. Ah, sweet peace! I love Max but he howls way to freakin much! His current love is a pit bull (sorry pit bull lovers but I am not a fan) so I guess the neighbors will soon have some ugly puppies! I am glad he took off with his girl though because for awhile she was hanging out here and I couldn't let my kids out to play. We have no fences and so dogs just wander out here, which is fine, except in the case of this particular dog who seems nice but freaks me out anyway. I have got to get Max fixed! Rocko is fixed and has stayed here but he is making me so sad- he looks so lonely without Max! Border Bulls or Pit Collies...
  • Anna ran low grade temps for a week which I chose to ignore and call teething and then she started having temps of 103 for 3-4 days last weekend. I took her to the doctor Monday where I was told she likely had strep. She got antibiotics and then a day later broke out into a rash which I was told is likely from the amoxicillin in combination with mono. Strep, mono, strep and mono? All I know is that whatever the hell it is has her so cranky and not sleeping (I mean really not sleeping. I beg for the nights of only getting up twice now). WTH- how did the 15 month old get mono? She has been quarantined- I decided to at least be responsible about that part...
  • Both of the girls got their ears pieced. I will post pictures later. They both look cute. I did not really want Anna's done but Kenneth did and I have to let him wear the pants around here every now and then. I usually make him check his balls at the door...
  • Anna's left foot continues to get worse and now her leg is starting to bow a little. Her first DAFO (brace) is on order and should be here this week. I hope she tolerates it ok. At least it is pink...
  • I have a zit the size of Texas on my jawline. I am really wondering how many times I can go through puberty. Seriously...
  • The Mirena is out (I choose not to expand on this subject at this time)...
  • I need a treatment program because I am hooked on Laffy Taffy- all except banana...

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the updates ... sorry little girl is sick. but funnt about the balls. :)
